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Guild Wars 2

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Sir Wolf:
:( i wanna play...waaaaaaaaaaaaa hehehhe

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-08-31, 20:08:35 ---:( i wanna play...waaaaaaaaaaaaa hehehhe

--- End quote ---

buy iiiitttttt.... you know you want to. :)

Sir Edward:

Well, I found my first "jumping puzzle" exploration achievement. I'm actually impressed that they put some serious attention to detail into things that are completely optional, and not everyone will both to look for.

When you're in Lion's Arch, there's a vista viewpoint on the map at the south edge. It's reasonably well hidden, but getting back out is a lot more of a puzzle than getting to it. There's even an old pirate's ghost that attempts to lead you through the maze, and at the end there's a vendor selling rare level-40 weapons for karma points (they were all about 9800 karma, which I've never even come close to).

That was a pretty neat labyrinth to explore.

Yeah, I find exploration fun in this game and not just tedious like I did in WoW.  The zones are designed very well and really allow freedom of exploration.  Sometimes you'll even find places that you were not intended to get to, but it's still fun :)

Sir Edward:

Is it just me, or does all the content get sharply more difficult past 50? I'm having to watch my health a lot more closely now. Granted, I'm traiting myself up as a glass-cannon sort of build... as much as a warrior can be a glass-cannon, anyway. I'm favoring DPS over survivability.

The environments are beautiful. I've been doing the snowy mountainous regions, and they're downright pretty.


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