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Gambesons at Etsy

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Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I know, I been looking around for a pattern but again all I can find are 14th century ones. Gotta calculate how much one from europe would cost me and how this one from AU would cost me and figure out what i want. My main issue is getting it in time for DoK which custom stuff would take a while to get especially from Europe. Currently I'm thinking about ordering overseas.
That one is also the design I want. Seems like everything I want isn't sold in the USA and probably never will be unless I get it custom made in europe or something.
That one Thorsteinn linked to is the exact design I want actually I just dont know if they ship to the USA or if they'll get it done by October which is when I need it.

Sir William:
Ulrich, that last one you posted ( - for the standard quality you're looking at spending $214.82, not including shipping; $406.18 for the high quality one w/felted wool batting (as opposed to their standard padding option) also not including shipping.  At those prices you're much better off  going with a custom gambeson.  It need not be a Jess Finley, but as with all things worth having, you get what you pay for.  Also, with this one if you pay by PayPal, you have to add in 3.5% in fees to use that option, shipping does not appear to be free.  Some things to consider.

Sir Ulrich:
I emailed Matuls concerning shipping to the USA cause they have the thing I want the most. Currently I am trying to look for people who sew who could possibly make me one. I would prefer mine to me layered rather than stuffed because stuffing makes it a bit hot.
The Australian gambeson I linked to has felted wool batting and is cheaper than the medieval market one. Just not sure about the whole wool thing, I think bamboo padding or cotton would be a LOT cooler, but I am running out of time I need to order soon or else I wont get it in time for days of knights.

Sir Ulrich:
Allright they got back to me. They can ship to the USA for 40 Euros which is about 60-70 bucks, so either way it's gonna cost me the same to ship. Now to take my measurements and get a custom made one from there cause they got exactly what I want. I think I may get the one with mittens but I had people tell me it was meant for a stand alone armor rather than for under maille though the site says it's for under maille. Guess I will ask them again.


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