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Reference Source Web Site


Sir Brian:
Larry Tom sent all of his MASHS students an email this morning with a link to this reference website which has some very interesting articles.

Is it possible we can have this added to our LINKs page Sir Edward?  ???

Sir Edward:


I don't see a definition for what the HROARR abbreviation stands for. Hrmm.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-07-13, 14:28:33 ---

I don't see a definition for what the HROARR abbreviation stands for. Hrmm.

--- End quote ---

Hmm yes that is curious…unless it stands for the sound one makes when they take a fingernail smashing hit from a steel blade?  ;)

Sir James A:
Historical Renaissance of Arts Revival Recreation ... probably not it, but I'm sure it has a few of those words in there. :)

Sir William:
Or maybe its just the sound one makes when charging across the battlefield?  ;)



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