Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Cool page with mini / scale castles

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Sir James A:
Stumbled across this:


Castles made of everything from legos to cardboard to styrofoam to wood to .... 8)

Sir Wolf:
thats cool man! my kids out out 4 different types of castles and a tower last night playing knights, disney princess poly's and action heros!

Sir Edward:

Cool! I'll probably spend some time looking it all over.

Sir James A:
There's some 404s on it, but almost every picture on there is a link to another site that has more pictures and/or a walkthrough on how to build that particular thing in the picture. It's a great collection, it's a shame some of the dead links. :(

Sir Wolf:
ok need help, wanna make something for the boys schiegh knights. there like 3 3/4-4 inches tall. what scale etc should i make? wall heights, lengths?


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