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Assassins Creed - The Movie

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Sir Edward:

The problem I'm running into, is it'll say something like "Press button (6) to enter or exit combat".... but they're not numbered or labelled like that. So I have to press everything until I figure out which ones it's talking about. The easy ones are the weapon selector, and the head/feet/hands buttons. At least those are diamond-layouts that correspond to the HUD, and the latter are color coded.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-07-12, 14:16:23 ---
The problem I'm running into, is it'll say something like "Press button (6) to enter or exit combat".... but they're not numbered or labelled like that. So I have to press everything until I figure out which ones it's talking about. The easy ones are the weapon selector, and the head/feet/hands buttons. At least those are diamond-layouts that correspond to the HUD, and the latter are color coded.

--- End quote ---

Yep, the head/hands/feet layout is very natural. This will probably help, if the controller you got is laid out like the XBox360 one:

edit: google is my friend. that looks more PS3-ish, but you can map the buttons exactly the same in the options

Sir Edward:

Yep, that looks like what it's doing. The right-side buttons are color-coded like the x-box controller, but have the PS3 symbols on them. It's just confusing when the tutorial pop-ups come up and it refers to "button 6" or "button 11".

Sir James A:
If I remember right, the left trigger enters/exits combat, and the right trigger lets you sprint (and right trigger with A lets you tackle people while sprinting). I don't remember using them for anything else, since the face buttons are all context-sensitive for what action(s) they do.

Sir William:
Sir Edward, once you get the hang of the controller, it will become very fluid.  Entering and exiting combat is the same as locking onto and releasing targets- alld handled by the left trigger.  It is possibly the best moveset I've ever played with...other games that try and use different setups for the same style of play are not as natural or intuitive.

That this guy has no super powers or god-like weapons, just an incredible grasp of parkour before there ever was such, and of course, being a deadly swordsman make him one of the best and most memorable characters in any game.  Once you learn counter-kills, you'll really start with the bloodletting.  At least, I sure did. 

I like it when guards get pushy, talk trash to ya...don't feel at all bad about shoving the hidden blade into his stomach (or back), or using the curved dagger to dispatch your foes, or the longsword- each weapon has different kill animations depending on how you've taken him down and in what respect you're facing when you do it.

Of them all, the curved dagger is probably the coolest but ymmv.  I'm glad I'm not a complete badass like him...I'd be insufferable!  ;)


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