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Assassins Creed - The Movie

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Sir William:
Dane, which scenario is that in AC2?  Just curious.

Another little tidbit about Fassbender...he formed a production company, in the future they plan on doing a movie about CUCHULAINN!!!!!!

Done right, that would rock on so many levels!

Sir Edward:

OK, I'm going to try the console-style controller and see how it goes. It'll take some getting used to.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-07-11, 20:02:07 ---Dane, which scenario is that in AC2?  Just curious.

Another little tidbit about Fassbender...he formed a production company, in the future they plan on doing a movie about CUCHULAINN!!!!!!

Done right, that would rock on so many levels!

--- End quote ---

"Race for the rooftop in the plaza to the top of the church" (just after Enunzio & his brother have the fight scene). I can't beat him using the keyboard controls to the top bc jumping & climbing controls suck on PC in AC2.

Sir Edward:

I ended up picking up a Logitech F310 controller. The game recognizes it natively, so it was a snap to get started. It's taking some getting used to, but I'm not playing any worse than before.

Sir William:
Sir me, that controller's going to make the latter stages and games a breeze.  The face buttons all correspond to head, arms and legs...the left and right ones naturally the offhand and main hand.  It'll seem like second nature after a while, even if you're used to kbd/ms set up.

Dane...get the controller.  It isn't impossible to beat him in that stage, but as you're finding out- damn hard to do.  This game's optimized for the controller, even the PC version.


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