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Assassins Creed - The Movie

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The newest one that will be coming out later this year I believe is slated for Revolutionary War America which will be an interesting direction for the games.  Sir Edward, I don't think you'll be disappointed!

Sir Wolf:

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-07-10, 21:36:48 ---The newest one that will be coming out later this year I believe is slated for Revolutionary War America which will be an interesting direction for the games.  Sir Edward, I don't think you'll be disappointed!

--- End quote ---

Indeed it is. October 30th. Even though the trilogy takes place during multiple different time periods, the Assassins vs Templars ties them together the entire way, and if you read enough of the story / back story, in a very, very interesting way. It's historical and "theoretically historical" at the same time, since for many of the questions, there are no answers.

Ubisoft (the AC makers) does *fantastic* cut scenes. GameTrailers gave the video at E3 these awards:

* Best Wii U Game
* Best PS3 Game
* Best Xbox 360 Game
* Best PC Game
* Best Action/Adventure Game
* Best of Show

Nice, eh? :D Here's the AC3 promo trailer:

Sir Edward, the combat engine was of course enhanced in each game along the way. The first one is less "fluid" than the later games, so don't let that throw you off. The further into the series you get, the more ridiculously powerful they become, the deeper the story gets (since each builds off the previous), and the more engrossing it really becomes. If you're playing on Steam, and have a wired XBox360 controller, hook it up to the PC and you can use it just like a regular gamepad. I played through AC1 on PC the first time too. The setting for AC1 is probably my favorite, though.

I could probably talk for hours about how awesome I think the series is, but it'll never do it justice without playing through it. Then you could talk for hours .. days .. weeks .. months .. years .. about some of the philosophy, historical possibilities, and conspiracy theories that are all over the place in the game.  8)

Sir James A:
Second post w/the other 4 games - it wouldn't let me put 5 youtube links in one post. Here's the promo/E3 videos for the first 4 games:



AC2: Brotherhood

AC2: Revelations

Sir William:
Thank you, Sir James...glad to see I'm not the only one raving about how good this game is.  Sir Edward, this game is best played with a console controller...once you start playing you'll note that it is most intuitive, the control schema- much like a puppeteer, but so much more rewarding.

I used to look for large numbers of guards and take them (and their reinforcements) on singlehandedly, just to see how many bodies I could stack up- until they stopped spawning in.  Somewhere around 40 or so...clogged up Acre's southern entrance to the wharves like that.  No intrinsic value to the gameplay, just pure awesome sauce to be able to pull it off and walk away!

I am as excited about the new AC as I am about the new GTA...and that's saying a lot since I've been a GTA head starting with GTA3 back in 2001 and am a huge fan of the franchise.  As far as I'm concerned, the AC series features the best overarching storyline I've ever seen in a game...even though the modern parts can take you out of the medieval/renaissance experience in the delving of the ancestral memories, you won't be disappointed.  The mythology created for the game is incredibly detailed- and if you think about it, no less plausible than some of the other ideological theories with regard to how we as humans came to be.


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