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Assassins Creed - The Movie

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Sir William:
Michael Fassbender has signed on to play the lead...most likely Altair and/or Desmond.  I am officially excited- he'd be my first choice in the role.  He's got the presence, the athleticism and seems adept at Hollywood style swordsmanship (as seen in 300 and Centurion), the story itself is engaging and the setting is 1191AD, the Holy Land which should be a draw for those of us with the Crusading bent.'s_Creed_(film)


Sir Edward:

I've never played the games, but I'd go to see this, if done well enough.

Sir William:
Sir Edward, depending on how you view action/adventure games, you might really like this one.  The visuals, the mechanics, the story- this game is at or near the top in every category, in my not inconsiderable opinion of it.  The game has an overarching storyline, a modern day Assassin has to delve through his genetic memory to uncover certain artifacts his ancestors had discovered and put to use in three separate and distinct periods in history- namely the Third Crusade, the rise of the Borgias and this latest installment dealing with the American Revolution.  As you delve into these encoded memories, you take on the mantle of each ancestor during their respective time...personally, the overall story does nothing for me but further the idea of the struggle (Assassins versus Templars engaged in a secret war that has lasted nearly a thousand years), it is living through the ancestors where the game really shines.

As one who has adopted a Crusader persona, it was a gas to go hunting Templars in the likes of Jerusalem, Acre, Damascus and Masyaf, riding on horseback through the countryside on the way to each of those cities, encountering Crusaders, Templars as well as local soldiery and each city has its own guards that will accost you in addition to the aforementioned opponents- and the renderings of these environments, not to mention the sheer scale and verticality (you can climb to the top of any building you see and leap off) - the developers are on record with regard to the period authenticity for each locality.  I'm not inclined to disbelieve them.

AC II, Brotherhood and Revelations (three separate installments) deal with the exploits of a Renaissance ancestor toward the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries in Italy, Masyaf and later Constantinople (Revelations)...all beautifully rendered and in the later installments, some pretty intriguing gameplay.

The latest installment, AC3, due out in September, I think, deals with a forebear in America during the revolution...I can't wait for it to come out.

Within the story and gameplay is a running history of mythology dealing with the First Civilization and the rebellion of their created servants, the First People...which also ties in with the ancestors' origins, actions as well as the overarching story.  Overall, as far as stories go be it in video games, anime, or literature - it is the one of the best ones I've encountered thus far.  Whoever wrote it should make it into a book series.  It is that good.

Sir James A:
It is, by far, my favorite game series ever. I *really* hope the movie makes it to fruition. I held onto hope that Onimusha would finally come out, for years. Sadly, it never did. :(

Assassin's Creed is fantastic. The storyline is phenomenal, especially with the way they tie in so many different aspects, and it *really* leaves you hanging in-between games. There's a *ton* of implicit / open-ended dialog and events in the game. There's a website that goes through all of the history, between multiple cultures, of what happens at the end of the first game (possibly the most mysterious of all endings).

When I beat the third one, it was around 3am and I had to work the next day. The ending left me so slack jawed, I sulked to the bedroom and proceeded to check the boards for other people's thoughts. And there was *a lot* of good theories. Then, when the last one came out, I took the week off work, waited in line for the midnight release ... and then finished it in less than 3 days. I literally did not sleep more than a few hours from start to finish. It lived up to everything I expected, and even things I didn't.

Sir Edward, I have the first 4 games, if you'd like to borrow them.


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