Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Power outages on the east coast
Sir William:
My power came back on late Monday night...it blinked out within minutes of the storm hitting us. It took out most of Bowie, power-wise, as well as all of the surrounding towns. There were, of course, a few exceptions, but they were so few and far between as to make no difference. I did note that several neighborhoods bordering my own had power restored as early as Sunday evening...we didn't have cell service until Sunday ourselves.
It was of course uncomfortable in the house, especially in the upper levels, but my mancave didn't get above 85 so it was bearable...just barely. Our empty condo had power on Sunday- we sorely needed the break by then. I do not think my wife would've fared well in medieval times...I can deal with the heat, eventually. :)
I am glad to be back though...funny how you don't miss things until you can no longer get to them.
Sir James A:
I got really lucky, and had power the whole time, aside from a few 5-10 second bursts of outage the night of the storm. However, I didn't get TV or internet until earlier this week.
Ironically, I lost a tree during the storm, and spent all day saturday dismantling the rest of it and chopping it enough to get it in the truck and take it to the recycle center - which was closed due to a power outage. The tree we lost is the only one I really care much about (the cherry tree). I decided since this is the second tree lost in the second storm, I'm going to be proactive instead of reactive - and took down 3 more trees. And, uhh, while I had the saw out, lopped off 10 or 12 bushes. Hopefully the yard will be much easier to manage later this year, it's been too much to handle the years I've lived here and always looks a wreck. So while people sat indoors without power in 90* weather, I sat outside in 100* temps for 8 or 9 hours; thank goodness I had the cooler house to come back to.
I left the thermostat at 78* - I think those weekends in armor helped quite a bit. The weather didn't affect me nearly as much as the lack of internet did. :)
I'm up north of you guys, right outside of Atlantic City. Our power went out 3am Saturday morning at my apartment complex, but the office power was fine. They got around to fixing it 4am-ish on Monday morning, but I think there are still a few small areas still without power.
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