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I think it's time for another cutting party....

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Sir Brian:
Uh oh, Looks like the weather is going to be against us this Sunday with thunderstorms and 2-3 hours worth of rain in the forecast.  :-\

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-07-12, 14:09:42 ---Uh oh, Looks like the weather is going to be against us this Sunday with thunderstorms and 2-3 hours worth of rain in the forecast.  :-\

--- End quote ---

Maybe they don't know what they're talking about. Fingers crossed. :)

Perhaps a good idea to bring Carcassonne and Wabbit Wampage as "wet weather" alternatives? Or shop projects? Or a movie? I have these at the house ( - but can't find my Beowulf DVD. The rest I know I have, and I need to add "Ninja Assassin" to the list.

Sir Brian:
Has everyone seen the Warlord with Charleton Heston? Oh and I'll bring Wabbit Wampage as well. :)

Sir Edward:

I'll bring Carcassone. It's a very good game.

Yep, I've seen Warlord, but it's been a while.

Sir William:
If the weather's going to be crappy, I'll not be able to come.  If that becomes the case though, Sir Brian, I'll ship you the straps so you can have them asap, ok?

Lets just hope it is the usual spray and pray that the local weathermen seem just barely capable of...honestly, a 50% success rate for forecasting?  I can flip a coin and do just as well...which is probably what they do.  How come they never saw that derecho coming?

Not that I did either...but I always hated meteorology.  Imagine my surprise when I attended the first class and found out it was about the weather.   >:(  And the Prof lecturing was so


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