Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

A Knightly Vintage: For All that Ale's You

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Lord Dane:
To start this segment, I like to offer my favorite, often least spoken of drink, my brethren.....

MEAD!!! (a sweet medieval drink indeed!!) - Typically a medium sweet honey wine best enjoyed in the medieval tradition.... dressed in your most comfortable Ren-Faire attire listening to lively tunes.

A fine recipe for ye brewers; www.chaucerswine.com
1.) Pour 1/2 or full bottle of Chaucer's Mead into a medium-sized saucepan.
2.) Drop in spice-bags (One for half the bottle; two for full bottle)
3.) Let the bag(s) steep over medium heat for 5-10 minutes or until the Mead has reached the desired spiciness. Do not bring to a boil.
4.) Remove spice-bag(s) and pour hot-spiced Mead into a favorite goblet, mug, or glass.

A good spice-bag recipe of ingredients includes cinnamon, orange peel, clove, and other natural ingredients that suit your pallet (for home-brewed). I add some semi-diluted honey to mine & coat the spice-bags so it is not too thick but still favor-full when heating (process called "Mulling").


Sir Edward:

As a store-bought option, one of the best we know of is Rocky Mountain Meadery. Most of the stuff you can buy in local stores is so-so. Chaucers is OK, for instance. But the Rocky Mountain stuff is really good. Our family usually tries to get a case shipped over for special occasions, such as the holidays, and for our weddings.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-06-25, 13:53:41 ---
As a store-bought option, one of the best we know of is Rocky Mountain Meadery. Most of the stuff you can buy in local stores is so-so. Chaucers is OK, for instance. But the Rocky Mountain stuff is really good. Our family usually tries to get a case shipped over for special occasions, such as the holidays, and for our weddings.

--- End quote ---

I shall try that Sir Edward.  I tried a home-brewed raspberry mead at KRF in Carver, MA last season. Kinda of like a mulberry/blackberry-cider.  They still serve it & it's delicious.  They won't part with their spice-bag recipe however so I borrowed it by getting my wife to work the event. :P Strategy is best planned when thirsty.

Do you like sparkling wines?

Would anyone like a good recipie for 1 gal of my quick mead?

The only thing special you will need to get is a fermentation lock.

Sir Patrick:


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