Main > The Campaign
MDRF, 2012
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-08-27, 00:56:40 ---Sunday then? I'll need to start making plans...
Sir James, can you make it, and if so, could I bum a ride, per our usual arrangement?
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Labor Day weekend? No. :( Family trip.
Ah, ok. I will be lobbying for a family vacation then..... ;)
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-08-24, 19:40:48 ---
--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-08-24, 04:53:01 ---Thanks for the pics, Sir Brian. Leave 4 Tampa in morning w/ wife & eldest step-son. I will be in touch from Tampa resort. God speed. :)
--- End quote ---
Perfect timing, enjoy the Hurricane! Although it looks like it's dead set on hitting us here in Pcola.
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Correction, it missed me in Tampa, Ian. YOU enjoy it seeing it's coming your way... but be safe. LOL
Lord Dane:
It's settled guys. After discussion, we will be coming to MDRF on Saturday, Sept. 1. We'll be driving home Friday & stop at hotel close to faire so we can be there early. If you want to hit me up privately on here, I'll give you my number. :)
Sir Edward:
Excellent, we'll see you saturday then. I'll keep an eye on the weather and hope that I can do armor.
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