Main > The Campaign
MDRF, 2012
Sir Edward:
I'll be there both days, but whether I do armor will depend a lot on the weather. I have a lot of lighter things I can wear too.
Sir James A:
I won't be able to make it sat or sun for opening weekend. :(
Sir William:
I might be able to make Sunday, but Saturday's definitely a no-go. I'll text you boys when I'm on the premises (if I make it), ok?
Lord Dane:
TO ALL MDRF's Knights: It's a done deal!! My wife (Lady Rachel) & I shall attend MDRF on our way home from Tampa on Sat., Sept. 1 for the day. Hopefully, my eldest step-son will be with us as well as squire. :) I'll be bringing my kit with me in case armor is appropriate for the event. It would be nice to meet as many of you as possible & armor up for some pics. :) Who will be attending amongst you on Sept. 1st?? Please let me know so I can coordinate with you.
Sir Brian:
Huzzah! I will be in attendance. I'm not sure if I'll be in armor if the heat index is expected to exceed 90 degrees. If it is I'll be in a green leather kilt or my green tunic and yellow chausses. Looking forward to meeting you and thy lady! :)
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