Main > The Campaign

MDRF, 2012

<< < (29/37) > >>

Sir Edward:
Yep, I may do something similar. Lighter but warmer might work well. I'm taking the day off from faire on Saturday to work on DoK stuff, but I'll be there Sunday.

Lord Dane:
Opening weekend for CTRF!!! :) I'll miss Saturday but Sunday I'll be wearing my full-plate armor harness. No rain & cool 70 degrees expected. :) Anyone interested in stopping in some time, please let me know & we can coordinate. Link: I'll be spending more time there than KRF as I bounce between the two in October. CTRF is closer for most active forum members commute-wise.     

Sir Edward:

Sir Brian, did you say you're skipping this weekend? I may end up using Sunday as one last project day before DoK.

Wow, I can't believe how quickly the season is vanishing!

Sir Brian:
Yes I think I will opt out of drinking beer in the cold & rain and go to sword practice instead. Got to show off my new fencing mask! ;)

Sir James A:
Wait, is anyone going saturday now?


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