Main > The Campaign

MDRF, 2012

<< < (24/37) > >>

...Do iiiiiit.  :)

Sir Brian:
Wow both days this weekend look like perfect armor days!

I think I will go with my great bascinet this Sunday instead of the great helm. :)

Sir Edward:

Sunny and 77 degrees!? Heck yeah!

Sir William:
Its the wife's birthday weekend...thought I might be able to slip out solo but no...was hoping I could, I didn't really get a chance to kick back with you guys.  On a positive note, my nephew and his gf raved about it and want to come back.  Next time we take two cars!  lol

Jessica Finley:
I had a great time at the festival, seeing many of you and meeting you for the first time.  :)  Maybe we'll make it out one more time before the run is up.  :)


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