Main > The Campaign

MDRF, 2012

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Jessica Finley:
Oh - probably.  I rarely get to wear the garb I've created anymore.  I'll probably rock the 16th century "Jane Sexton" outfit.  My daughter will be in whatever she wants - could be a princess - could be a dragon. Totally depends on her mood.  Son and Husband?  Who knows.


Sir Edward:

Awesome, I can give you my cell # so we can meet up. It's a huge site, and you can go all day without running into people that you know.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-09-10, 20:44:10 ---
Awesome, I can give you my cell # so we can meet up. It's a huge site, and you can go all day without running into people that you know.

--- End quote ---

A familiar problem as I recall, Sir Edward & Sir Brian.  ;D

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-09-10, 21:30:43 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-09-10, 20:44:10 ---
Awesome, I can give you my cell # so we can meet up. It's a huge site, and you can go all day without running into people that you know.

--- End quote ---

A familiar problem as I recall, Sir Edward & Sir Brian.  ;D

--- End quote ---

Oh yes, indeed. :) Heck, this year I'm often not running into my brother/sister in-laws until toward the end of the day. Even with knowing our usual haunts.

Sir William:
I thought you all had donned Invisibility cloaks...prior to me leaving the premises I went in search of you, to the usual haunts- you must've been a step or two in front (or behind) me.  I did find that rather large Viking fellow though.  Hard to miss him as he's literally head and shoulders above everyone else.  lol


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