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John Clement, not being knightly.... again.

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He's no Mike Loades, Gemini Asonte, Greg Mele, Christian Tobler, Ken Mondshein, or Toby Capwell.

Sir James A:
Since everyone so elegantly covered this, I'll paraphrase by saying something my dad likes to say. "Same ****, different bucket."

Joshua Santana:
Everyone here has eloquently said what I had in mind while this trashy article.  Here are a few extra points I had in mind.

What makes him so important that he has to take an elitist stance that everyone is an amatuer except him?  What about the contributions made Gregory Mele?  Christian Tobler?  Ken Mondshein?  Tom Leoni?  Is he saying that their contributions to the HEMA Community are garbage?  If so what contributions has he made so far besides repeating himself?

How skilled is he?  I imagine that he is exceptionally skilled but is he skilled to prove his teaching are better than any other instructors?  I need to see it to believe it.  Or better get him to fight against me and I will show how skilled he is.  (Pun intended)  But really how skilled is he?  I would like to see how he would fare against someone like Jake Norwood or Guy Windsor.  That would be awesome.

Last point:  YOU SON OF A GUN, HOW DARE YOU BAD MOUTH THE COMMUNITY! >:(  Now I am pissed, you mean to tell us that we are a bunch of loosers while we have done more accurate research than you have and formed better interpretations of combat techniques than you who swears that your method is better than ours In short: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! >:(


Well, my last vestiges of respect for ARMA or John Clements have been officially destroyed (as if the rapier stab to the groin video wasn't enough  ::)) I swear, all I heard from what was
"I'm a pretentious D-Bag! I think I'm better than everyone else! I could defeat you all, but I won't accept any fights because I'm obviously that much better! Grrrrrrr!!!!! Watch me defeat more of my own students!"
Yeah, he raises a god point, that we don't live or die by the sword, but neither does he and his students. And I seriously doubt anyone trains exactly like and with the time and dedication of a knight in period, or a swordmaster of the period. It's not like his students are forced to quit their day job and go live and train in the secret douche-colony of John Clements to train for hours every single day unceasingly! Or maybe he should follow through on some of his claims and actually make his students and himself live or die by the sword and use sharps. Then hopefully he'd get a debilitating injury and we wouldn't have to listen to his stupid rants.....  8)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-20, 23:59:05 ---I would like to see how he would fare against someone like Jake Norwood or Guy Windsor.  That would be awesome.

--- End quote ---

Actually Jake Norwood used to be an ARMA student. Until he saw the light, and realized there's a much wider world out there. Now Jake's a valuable member of the rest of the HEMA world, with a lot to contribute. I know we're all glad to have him.

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-06-21, 01:13:44 ---Or maybe he should follow through on some of his claims and actually make his students and himself live or die by the sword and use sharps. Then hopefully he'd get a debilitating injury and we wouldn't have to listen to his stupid rants.....  8)

--- End quote ---

Somewhere there's a video of him and one of his "inner circle" dudes fighting with sharps. They're keeping it pretty controlled and careful... and yet... Seriously? Accidents happen. I don't think I'd trust myself well enough, let alone anyone else, to keep it safe for that.


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