Main > The Courtyard

Broke a Meyer!

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Sir William:
Won't be long before it looks like the one it replaced!  lol

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-09-11, 15:28:30 ---Won't be long before it looks like the one it replaced!  lol

--- End quote ---

true dat..

I'm trying to decide if I want to dye the grip again. It only half-worked. The cord is somewhat hydrophobic, so the dye doesn't sink in very well. I had to practically paint it on.

Could you just re-wrap the grip with your own more 'compliant' cord? :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-09-11, 16:09:36 ---Could you just re-wrap the grip with your own more 'compliant' cord? :)

--- End quote ---

But that would take effort. :)

Sir William:
Meant to tell you, I liked the new maille you were sporting there, Sir Edward...seemed to sit well on you too.  Sometimes it seems like coifs are only meant to sit on the helmet stand and approximate what a head might look like.  lol


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