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Book 4 of The Bahzell Banakson series due out.


Well FINALLY! Now we can have Book 4 of The Bahzell Banakson series.

It's only been more than five years.

Forgot to say that I put this up as I think that Prince Bahzell Banakson is a true Knight. Though he never gets knighted as he doesn't feel the need for, as in his eyes, "if Himself was after making me a Champion and he thought that was good enough for Him then it aught to be after being good enough for you!" and thus Knighthood becomes unnecessary to him.

Still in the series he starts out by saving a young girl from being raped to death despite that he knows that it would break his hostage bond, and so would beating the rapist, the local Crown Prince, half to death for the crime. Thus starting a war over Honor (which his father later points out upset him greatly, but not stopping the rape would have upset him more).

Anyway. I think that this is a good series to read if your into fantasy, swordsmen, and knights and who among us isn't? ;)

Sir William:
Never heard of this or the author, gonna check it out- thanks for sharing.

You can read the first book online for free if you like:

Oath of Swords

"Whom the gods would recruit, they first tick off . . .

Our Hero: The unlikely Paladin, Bahzell Bahnakson of the Horse Stealer Hradani. He's no knight in shining armor. He's a hradani, a race known for their uncontrollable rages, bloodthirsty tendencies, and inability to maintain civilized conduct. None of the other Five Races of man like the hradani. Besides his ethnic burden, Bahzell has problems of his own to deal with: a violated hostage bond, a vengeful prince, a price on his head. He doesn't want to mess with anybody else's problems, let alone a god's. Let alone the War God's! So how does he end up a thousand leagues from home, neck-deep in political intrigue, assassins, demons, psionicists, evil sorcery, white sorcery, dark gods, good gods, bad poets, greedy landlords, and most of Bortalik Bay Well, it's all the War God's fault. . . ."

Sir William:
Cool, will do.


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