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New helm?

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Sir Matthew:
Perhaps you need a better arming cap? I make sure that mine is always covering the forhead area where my mail begins to avoid having the mail resting against my head there. Is your helmet lined or padded at all and does it have strapping? If it is lined, perhaps you just need to adjust the lining a bit to allow it to fit better over your mail. I have never had any of these problems with wearing my kettle helm over my coif, but I do have a smaller head. This sometimes makes it difficult to find hats and helmets that fit me properly.

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I was considering that place till I saw the prices, they have the design I am looking for as well but I want it to be combat worthy too so I think 16 gauge is the way to go. Price is a bit out of my range though as the liner costs way too much seriously. May just go for the GDFB one in large but I'm worried it will be TOO big. Well KOA could always exchange it so I guess I'm gonna try that out.

When it comes to arming caps I would prefer a padded coif to an arming cap cause I got long hair which would get caught in the maille, plus I dun like the feeling of maille against bare skin, I knew I should of gotten a wedge riveted coif which would be less 'pokey" on the skin, but they were all out of stock. But yeah if anyone can link me to a decent arming cap that isn't hard foam like the GDFB one and comes in a darker color I would be thankful.

Sir William:
Ulrich, if you intend on wearing a helm over your maille coif, then you'll need an actual padded arming cap- elsewise the weight of the helm will press the rings into your head every time.  The linen coif is just meant to be used as a head covering, not as padding for armor.

Sir Wolf:
the larger gdfb ones should fit, but they are a tad heavy being 14 guage


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-06-11, 16:28:37 ---Ulrich, if you intend on wearing a helm over your maille coif, then you'll need an actual padded arming cap- elsewise the weight of the helm will press the rings into your head every time.  The linen coif is just meant to be used as a head covering, not as padding for armor.

--- End quote ---

definitely this


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