Main > The Round Table
out of the mouths of babes
Sir Rodney:
Wow, what a wonderful young lady. :) :'(
Her selfless gift will be cherished by a little girl in need.
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf ---and it was all her idea. no prompting or anything from us.
--- End quote ---
It may have been her idea, but do not forget that it was you and your beloved that shaped and guided her into the young lady she is today.
Joshua Santana:
Huzzah! What a Chivalrous Deed indeed, congratulations and more Huzzahs go to your daughter Sir Wolf, I am sure you are proud of her.
Sir Patrick:
Huzzah for such a selfless act! Her gift will have a major impact on someone going through a hard time somewhere.
Joshua Santana:
--- Quote ---Huzzah for such a selfless act! Her gift will have a major impact on someone going through a hard time somewhere.
--- End quote ---
Indeed! ;D
Sir William:
My Mom and my sister both donate their hair to the same, or similar charities. How did your little girl hear about it? I think its wonderful- but even moreso that she has the approval of her parents, looks good on you guys.
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