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"The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"

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Sir John of Felsenbau:

Have Sword, will travel
Reads the card of the man
A knight with little amour in a savage land

His swift Sword for service heeds the calling shore
A knight-errant is the man called Sir Palidor

Sir Palidor, Sir Palidor where do you roam
Sir Palidor, Sir Palidor far, far from home

He travels on to wherever he must
A chess knight of silver is his badge of trust

There are campfire legends that the barbarians roar
Of the man with the Sword, of the man called Palidor

Sir Palidor, Sir Palidor where do you roam
Sir Palidor, Sir Palidor far, far from home
Far from home
      Far from home)

Sir James A:
That song sounds very vaguely familiar

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-06-07, 15:19:15 ---That song sounds very vaguely familiar

--- End quote ---

I was just thinking the same thing. :) An homage to "Have Gun, Will Travel" it sounds like. The character's name was Paladin, after all. :)

Joshua Santana:
Very nice theme song!   :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-06-07, 16:09:10 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-06-07, 15:19:15 ---That song sounds very vaguely familiar

--- End quote ---

I was just thinking the same thing. :) An homage to "Have Gun, Will Travel" it sounds like. The character's name was Paladin, after all. :)

--- End quote ---

I've never seen that show, but I bet I heard it in the background somewhere when dad was watching it ... he loves the older B&W shows


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