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"The Tale of Sir Palidor and the Monster of Sunlaws Ridge"

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
I think I mentioned that I'm basing Sir Palidor on Paladin...even stealing some of his famous quotes. Palidin had a hidden derringer...and since Sor Palidor will be Scottish...even up till the end of WWI, they always kept two hidden daggers (started in medieval time) one in the boot and the other under the arm.I found the whole 250? episodes of "Have Gun, Will Travel" real cheap and am watching them a little at a time. I always liked him as a kid...and I like his episodes even more much philosophy and high morals. They should put it on again for the younger people to watch. It would teach them some good things.

Sir John

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I think I mentioned that I'm basing Sir Palidor on Paladin...even stealing some of his famous quotes. Palidin had a hidden derringer...and since Sor Palidor will be Scottish...even up till the end of WWI, they alwways kept two hodden daggers (started in medieval time) one in the boot and the other under the arm.I found the whole 250? episodes real cheap and am watching them a little at a time. I always liked him as a his episodes even more much philosophy and high motals. They should put it on again for the younger people to watch. It would teach them some good things.

--- End quote ---

Nice!   ;D

Sir John of Felsenbau:
In my last post I forgot to include a photo of the outfit of Sir Palidor. I bought a Scottish claymore sword as you can see. And look close...under the arm and in the boot for those two daggers. I forget the Scottish names for them. I try to research everything I do to make things as close to realism as possible.

Sir John

Joshua Santana:
That Kit and Heraldry is pure Awesomeness!   :D

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thanks...I have others for the other characters....and Sir Palidor, like Paladin, dress more fancy at I have a scottish kilt outfit for when he is at the Carlton Hotel.

Sir John


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