Main > The Armoury

bolt lock and key

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Sir Wolf:
what was the line.... "Kat you need a bigger purse for Ed's balls?" hahah jkjk

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---what was the line.... "Kat you need a bigger purse for Ed's balls?" hahah jkjk
--- End quote ---

LOL!  Heresy!  LOL!   ;)

Sir William:
You guys look fantastic...and happy!  My wife would've dropped it on my foot- by accident of course, but it still would've happened.  lol

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---You guys look fantastic...and happy!  My wife would've dropped it on my foot- by accident of course, but it still would've happened.  lol
--- End quote ---

There you go LOL!   ;)


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