Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

A Knight should be dangerous with anything to hand...


A Knight should be dangerous with anything to hand, even with octopus or chopsticks.

(FYI the one-eyes black belt was the Master instructor for my old TKD school.)

Sir William:
Agreed.  Even a rolled-up newspaper or magazine can be used to brutal effectiveness in the right hands.  You should ask my kids about my prowess with a belt!  lol

Skateboard Fu

My old local head instructors head is the one going through the Popcorn machine.

Sir James A:
Holy throwback, batman. I haven't seen that movie in forever! I'll add a similar scene from a movie one of my friends said I remind him of:

At 3:15 in. Don't know why I can't find it in english... pardon the french. Literally. :)


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