Main > The Workshop
Sir Brian:
Maybe not so much as a full blown 'How To' but more of a confirmation of some of the techniques mentioned in the link I originally posted. ;)
Sir Brian:
A couple of big pots full of boiling water in the bathtub for an hour was sufficient to achieve this kind of bending. Instead of a coat of oil to protect the sword blade while sandwiched between two wet boards I smeared it with some petroleum jelly which worked very well and cleaned up nicely. (Your sword is safe and sound Sir Edward! Thanks again for the loan!) :)
Next step was to glue the slats together but I definitely need more clamps. Here is approximately $23.00 worth and I could have used a few more. - No such thing as too many clamps! I'll find out how well the wood glue does in a day or so.
Next up is cutting off the excess wood!
- Yikes that just sounds like a Lorena Bobbitt reference!
Sir William:
That's coming along nicely, Sir Brian! LOL @ Lorena Bobbitt
Now there's a sobering thought.
Sir Wolf:
could have also covered the sword in saran-wrap?
Sir Patrick:
On Gaffer's site he cut the scabbard to shape prior to the bending/glue up. I never could figure out how he got that hold. Your method of glue first cut later makes more sense.
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