Main > The Armoury

My Armory

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Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---once I get my new outfit done, I'll send a picture. I really will be a purple knight. (One thing about me is I do everything 110% plus never underestimate me and watch what you say to may come back to haunt you.)
--- End quote ---

Oh I will be careful Sir John, and I think that would make you rather unique, we need some nice colors like purple. 

--- Quote ---Eventually when three knights will sponsor me and I have the knighting at my house...I think you will be totally amazed at what I've done with the have no idea!

--- End quote ---

Cannot wait to see it!   ;)

Lord Dane:
Nice display. I'll need to put up some pics of my favorite pieces from my collection (once I get settled in).  ;D

Sir James A:
I'd love to have my own horse! I'd just need a bigger yard, and a friend who's a vet, and a stable, and a squire, and .... that's starting to sound like a lot.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I'd love to have my own horse! I'd just need a bigger yard, and a friend who's a vet, and a stable, and a squire, and .... that's starting to sound like a lot.
--- End quote ---

Yes Sir James, a lot more expenses to worry about.   ;)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I used to ride every saturday (a rented horse) when I was in high school...after the army is when I bought the horse, but due to being a teaching assistant and going to graduate school, I had to sell him after 2 years. There aren't any more stables that rent horses in or near Philadelphia, but on vacations I'd always find a stable to ride one.

An interesting note...when we rented a cottage in the Poconos (PA) on Keen Lake, I found a stable and rented a horse. I told the guide about the horse I owned, which I'm sure he thought was only a story, so he gave me the most spirited horse in the stables, thinking I'd make a fool of myself. Much to his suprise, I did really well, and he told me in all the days of renting out that horse, I was trhe ONLY ONE to be able to keep him under control!

Sir John


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