Main > The Armoury

My Armory

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
These are a few of the items I have acquired. One fukk set of armor, a half set, two cool swords, the real excaliber...(It originally belonged to Julius Ceaser, when it was taken to England and put in the stone, moss grew around the original latin  saying and was mis-translated as battle hemlet...the rest on my next btext.

Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Here's the rest...I have two of the 3rd I keep this color for ElCid and the other I customized for my own personal sword.

Sir John

Sir James A:
That's neat, thank you for posting the pictures. I didn't know you have japanese weapons, too.

Joshua Santana:
Very nice Sir John, quite an interesting harness and weaponry.   :D

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I don't know of any of the swords are oriental...I just thought they were interesting and I got them real at the PA Ren Faire last year.

Sir John


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