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Albion price hike

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Sir Edward:

Albion's prices are going up on August 1, but you can still lock in the old price on an order or reservation before then. Anyone planning to take advantage of it? I may do so. I was already thinking of getting on the reservation list, and this is encouraging me to go ahead and do it. The one I'm thinking about is this:

Das Bill:
I've been debating whether or not to get the practice messer.

Sword Chick:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-07-21, 01:20:44 ---I've been debating whether or not to get the practice messer.

--- End quote ---

You need to so I'll have someone to play with when I get mine.  ;)

Sir Wolf:
well that puts their cheapest sword well over the 400 range.  sorry to say i prob will never be able to afford an Albion :( not that i couldn't save for one, but when i have so many time periods to do... its like one sword or several items for several kits in compairison

Sir Edward:
Yeah, I guess the money goes pretty far for other items for your kits. It would be hard to pick a sword that works for wide range of your time periods.

The Dane and the Svante appeal to me in similar ways, ignoring that one is a museum-quality reproduction of a specific historical piece. But the Dane is much cheaper. :) I went ahead and signed up for it. Since I want to get it anyway and it won't be out for a while, and it's pricier than some of the other choices I'm looking at, this is where I can get the most bang for the buck by planning ahead.

Those practice messers should be pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing those.


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