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Maille Standard

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Bernarr on 2012-05-19, 08:21:58 ---Not to derail the thread.. but Sir Brian, where did you get your gorget? I've been looking for a new one and haven't seen any that catch my eye the way yours has

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It may be your lucky day:

He has a gorget on there, and is willing to split up the items. If the measurements are close for you, I'd jump at the opportunity to get it.

Sir Nathan, great job on the standard. If you go down the Italian road, in later years, they still used odd bits of mail in places that fell out of favor in other parts of europe - such as on the bottom of their armets (which looks almost standard-like), over the upper cannons of their arm harness, mail sabatons, and sometimes even below the demi-greaves.

Thanks Sir James. Yeah, the Italians were funky. I've seen some images that show almost 3/4 sleeves of maille over a full arm harness.

The Standard appears to be interchangable for a bevor or gorget for most of the 15th century. Apparenty also quite popular in Germany. It's also ridiclously easy to make. I'll post something in the Workshop if you all wish.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Yeah, the Italians were funky. I've seen some images that show almost 3/4 sleeves of maille over a full arm harness.
--- End quote ---

Yep  ;)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Bernarr on 2012-05-19, 08:21:58 ---Not to derail the thread.. but Sir Brian, where did you get your gorget? I've been looking for a new one and haven't seen any that catch my eye the way yours has

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As Sir Brian stated, Allan used to make them before he shut down his shop; he still dabbles though so if that one on MyA doesn't suit you, another one coming down the pike might.  I have the same one, paired with a set of pauldrons- sturdy yet comfortable.

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-05-18, 19:01:46 ---
It looks great!

One of these days I'll get around to building out mine. I have the mail standard from Ice Falcon, but never got around to backing/strapping it.

--- End quote ---

I agree, job well done Sir Nathan.  I like your DIY style.   :)

I still have a mail standard that I purchased from Sir Edward sitting unfinished in my shop somewhere.  :(


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