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Albion videos


Sir Edward:

Albion posted these on facebook:

--- Quote from: Albion Swords Limited LLC ---Albion has a favor to ask... This is a call to all who those who enjoy appearing in video. We are putting together some webisodes of life at Albion - our staff, our processes, our products, etc. We would love to include some customer footage! People getting their swords, opening the box for the first time... People playing with their swords, displaying their swords - it's all gold. We will post more information on how we would need to receive it in order to work it into the webisodes. Thanks to all!
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Albion Swords Limited LLC ---We would need the customer footage in electronic form, or on CD or DVD. If you have it on a site from which we can download it, that's good too - just send us the link. Format doesn't matter, as we can convert it to what we need. Thanks again!
--- End quote ---

I have plenty of photos of my Albions, but never thought to video any of it. But it's an interesting idea.

Sir Brian:
You could always send them some footage of our upcoming demo. You could title it "Two Meyers @ Work and Play"?  ;)

Sir Edward:

A Tale of Two Meyers.

Of Meyers and Men.


Sir James A:
We could also make some video on a cutting day, in harness, with them. Probably not too many people that will submit videos of them in action, while wearing a full harness. :D

(Warning: I might be suggesting this because I have no albions and want to get my grubby gauntlets on them again ;))

Sir William:
Ha!  I don't even have video capability...it is just as well...I'm rather undignified when I get sharp and pointies in the mail, especially from Albion!


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