Main > The Armoury

The Sword of St. Maurice of Turin

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Sir William:
Oh, I'm not going for either, I was just posting the MRL one because it was one of the first ones I'd seen with a stab at historical accuracy, at least from the naming of it.  After having become better acquainted with swords, I have learned that what MRL puts out isn't necessarily what I want.  Oh, they have a few pieces here and there that I do like...their Ulfbehrt and XIV swords were very well done, but they have a lot on the other end of that spectrum as well.

Sir Wolf:
del tin makes a version that i really like. i dont much like the look of this one but to each his own. check into the del tin version1!!

Joshua Santana:
That's right, the Del Tin version, why didn't I think about it earlier.  Yes, Sir Wolf is right, check out the Del Tin version when you can.  ;) 

Sir William:
DT's normally come blunt, don't they?  I noticed that their was a significant price hike on DT's within the last few months or so.  I don't know if I ever held one, but I can tell you I have never felt compelled to get one either.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---DT's normally come blunt, don't they?  I noticed that their was a significant price hike on DT's within the last few months or so.  I don't know if I ever held one, but I can tell you I have never felt compelled to get one either.
--- End quote ---

Del Tins are always blunt.   ;)  I have my eye on some Del Tin Sideswords that have caught my eye.  But that is another project in the future.   ;)


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