Main > The Armoury

Heraldic Heater shield.

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Here's my heraldic heater shield. (late 13th through mid 14th cent.) This I also mde myself, with the same process as the Teutonic Heater sheild (I would be happy to explain in detail on either thread). Altogether, it's 1/2 inch Birch with thick canvas facing. This shield is wickedly fast and maneuverable. 

Here's the link to the facebook album.

Credits to my Dad, Sir James and Milady Rachel, who I can thank for the incredible painting :)

More Pictures!!!  ;D

Good job!

That's about the same shape & proportion shield Count Syr Gemini de Grendel favors.

Sir James A:
Nice, I bet painting that heraldry was a test of patience. :)

Sir James, it was, though milady's expertice made it much quicker and a better result :)

Ivan, I would seem to be in good company asofar as taste in shield size. I will say, it would probably be my single combat choice.


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