Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Will Wheaton on Leaving Star Trek TNG
To the trekkies in the room, I thought this was a cool clip of Will Wheaton. It's one of those 'awwww' moments and involves feelings and emotion, so consider yourself forewarned. I've become re-acquainted with Will Wheaton by being a huge fan of The Guild and Felicia Day's other projects on her awesome YouTube channel called 'Geek and Sundry' which I highly recommend (shows of note 'Sword and Laser', 'Tabletop,' and 'The Guild.'), but anyways, regardless of how you felt about Wesley Crusher, I thought this was a cool heartfelt moment for the TNG fans, and Levar Burton is hilarious:
Sir Edward:
Yeah, I heard about this but hadn't seen the clip. Very cool.
Sir William:
Wil Wheaton's done some cameos on a new favorite show of mine, Big Bang Theory as himself- comical moments. LeVar too.
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