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The Book of the Courtier


Joshua Santana:
In a recent post of mine, I mentioned the Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione (translated into English by Sir Thomas Hoby).  Yet I find it odd that no one ever takes the time to look into this book.  I myself have started to read this book and I am amazed at how it combines the Virtues of Chivalry and the mannerisms of Courtly Love and outs them together under the umbrella name of the "Courtier" (this applies to the Renaissance Knights that I have been posting.  This is another piece of evidence how Chivalry survived the Renaissance.  I hope you enjoy it and thoughts, comments and questions are always welcome.

(Might I add that this book and the ideas presented in the book was the yardstick that Renaissance Knights were measured by.)

Joshua Santana:
whoops, my bad, this was supposed to be in the Library.  My mistake.

Sir Edward:

Joshua Santana:
Thank you Sir Edward.

Thoughts, comments, questions are welcome as always.


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