Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Alternate use for a pavilion tent

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Days of Knights is just this October Sir William, come on, do the immersion weekend events, you know you want to  ;)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2012-05-08, 23:41:20 ---Why, Sir William, you must be confused.

The title did not read "PRIMARY use for a pavilion tent".   ;)

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Which would we all know to be Snoozing, Boozing, & Courtly fun w/ one's lady. Recommend a porta-privy for other activities.

Lord Dane:
I made my own pavilion battle tent from a 10' x 10' party-tent and added the trimmings & fixings to accommodate my navy-blue & yellow-gold colors. Easier than having a time-period one made to every fine detail by a skilled craftsman & at a great expense (Could range from $500-basic to $3000-more elaborate). I used colored para-cord to act as my tent-lines, and improved a light-weight, black-colored misquito mesh that serves as both bug-barrier & privacy lining.  I made a 2 inch diameter hole in the tent' center where I post my colored-pennant to fly above my tent.  Still working on my tent though.  I'll add pics when complete.

Sir Edward:

I'd love to see pictures. Sometimes modification of modern gear to look more period can make for a decent, cost-effective compromise.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2012-05-07, 19:59:32 ---My buddy Mike’s young daughter just had a birthday party last weekend.  Mike and his lovely wife took their round pavilion and turned it into a Fancy Nancy ™ party tent.  They have way too much creativity in that family!

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Indeed. Looks like a Maypole at one of the Ren-Faires. I'm certain their daughter loved it!!! Excellent effort on their parts.


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