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Author Topic: Back on TV for armored combat  (Read 17826 times)

Sir Wolf

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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #15 on: 2012-05-03, 16:24:51 »
oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo mr suitntie!!!!!!!!!!

What's funny to me about this comment is that the only time you met me in person was at Ed & Kat's wedding. That means 100% of the time you've been around me, I've been in suit and tie. :)

ya (giggle) i know heheheh ;) really well done videos!

Sir James A

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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #16 on: 2012-05-03, 23:43:48 »
Something that bothers me is that the training, no matter who is doing it, seems to be either unarmoured vs same or armoured vs same as well as same vs same for weapons (thought I am trying to counter that in the local SCA group & the Kingdom as a whole eventually).

Not that I want to vouch support for him, but John Clements has done both presentations and classes on "mixed" combat - armoured vs unarmoured. There was a short bit about it on Medieval Fight Book a little while ago.
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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #17 on: 2012-05-04, 01:07:17 »
I've done a few classes on it in TKD & HEMA (the story from the second is priceless).

Human Weapon talked about it a bit.

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Das Bill

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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #18 on: 2012-05-04, 14:47:21 »
Well, seeing as almost no one at VAF has a full harness, the point is unfortunately moot. People learn the techniques of harnisfechten, but by and large we're a blossfechten group that happens to do a little bit of armored fight. I wish more people could afford quality armor so we could do more armored stuff, but that's just life.

If more people did have harness, I'd happily have us do "what if" scenarios with them, but full out free play like that would be very dangerous. If I have armor and my opponent doesn't, I'd close in and use my armor to it's best advantage... and against a friendly partner, there'd be a very high chance of me injuring him with all of the metal parts of my kit, particularly falling on top of him to pin him.

Something that bothers me is that the training, no matter who is doing it, seems to be either unarmoured vs same or armoured vs same as well as same vs same for weapons (thought I am trying to counter that in the local SCA group & the Kingdom as a whole eventually).

I can't speak for SCA, but I can say that a lot of what *we* train comes from the context of a judicial duel where it was illegal in most cases to have mismatched weapons. That doesn't mean we don't mix it up sometimes with different weapons, but it isn't where our focus is.

"Professionals are predicatable, unfortunately the world is full of Amateurs."

How does VAF train to defeat the guy what does a thing cause he knows not to not do it and/or he will be perfectly happy with a Phyrric Victory?

We don't train for the guy who does something different; We train to win. Period. If you train specifically for the wild card, you miss the forrest for the trees. If you train to win, then you encompass everything. But again, that has nothing to do with our armored program, because we don't get the opportunity to do serious training in that for practical reasons.
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Joshua Santana

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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #19 on: 2012-05-04, 15:03:41 »
Well, seeing as almost no one at VAF has a full harness, the point is unfortunately moot. People learn the techniques of harnisfechten, but by and large we're a blossfechten group that happens to do a little bit of armored fight. I wish more people could afford quality armor so we could do more armored stuff, but that's just life.

If more people did have harness, I'd happily have us do "what if" scenarios with them, but full out free play like that would be very dangerous. If I have armor and my opponent doesn't, I'd close in and use my armor to it's best advantage... and against a friendly partner, there'd be a very high chance of me injuring him with all of the metal parts of my kit, particularly falling on top of him to pin him.

That I understand and it is a good reason. 

I can't speak for SCA, but I can say that a lot of what *we* train comes from the context of a judicial duel where it was illegal in most cases to have mismatched weapons. That doesn't mean we don't mix it up sometimes with different weapons, but it isn't where our focus is.

I agree on that.

We don't train for the guy who does something different; We train to win. Period. If you train specifically for the wild card, you miss the forrest for the trees. If you train to win, then you encompass everything. But again, that has nothing to do with our armored program, because we don't get the opportunity to do serious training in that for practical reasons.

Well said Das Bill!  :D
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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #20 on: 2012-05-04, 17:02:53 »
For Das Bill:

Don't know if this is helpfull for getting folks in harness, but I hope it is.  :D

Polar Bear Forge-Coat of Plates kit - Wisby #1

Polar Bear Forge- Lamellar Plates.
« Last Edit: 2012-05-04, 17:03:48 by RauttSkegg »
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #21 on: 2012-05-05, 17:31:47 »
I finally had the time to sit down and watch the whole program.

Bill, you presented an excellent interview; articulate, knowledgeable and athletic.  Not to mention, handsome in a suit & tie.  ;)

My young son watched by my side and was fascinated with the combat sequences.

Well done!
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Sir James A

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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #22 on: 2012-05-06, 03:19:13 »
I wish more people could afford quality armor so we could do more armored stuff, but that's just life.

Since I just got time to watch the second one, and re-watched the first again - just going to throw this out there - if you get invited back for a three-peat on the show and want to do another armored segment, I'm happy to go on there with you, wearing one of my "full plate" harnesses (or two - but obviously not at the same time). I don't have any excellent weapons like Albions or Arms & Armors, since armor is my fetish - I mean, favorite. Yeah, favorite. My armors aren't $25k high end customs, but it's functional, period-based pieces.

So, if you need/they want somebody to talk more about articulation / movement / thickness distribution of plates / pointing / leather articulation / rotating cannons / unique bits like sliding vs pivoting rivets ... and in "totally full harness" - period arming clothes, period footwear, mail voiders, and all the plate bits down to the sabatons - let me know.
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Das Bill

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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #23 on: 2012-05-06, 23:26:11 »
Thanks guys!
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Re: Back on TV for armored combat
« Reply #24 on: 2012-05-07, 01:15:21 »
Thanks guys!

So we can be hoping for more awesomeness in the future yes?  :D
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