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Fearless: Are Tanaka & Huo Juanjia Knightly?

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Tea Conversation

From this scene onward's I believe that we really see why Honor and Chivalry are important. Tanaka and Huo show each other great honor. Showing their true selves despite the world around them.


Joshua Santana:
I ahve seen the film before and I admit it got me to train in Kung Fu and Tai Chi for three consecutive years before training in WMA.

I can agree that both men acted Honorably, you can say Chivalrously to an extent.  One must remember that not everyone fights the same way so rules of combat vary from country or style of fighting.  This would also create standards of Honor that come from these fighting arts and rules of combat that define a "fair fight".   

Sir William:
I think it depends on what definition of chivalry applies to you; I deem both men to have behaved honorably...and I suppose you could find chivalry in just about anything if you're looking for it.

To me it shows when Huo stops the fight to give back the sword though he didn't have to and when Tanaka refuses to win taking an Honorable loss over a Dishonorable win.

Sir William:
I must've missed something in that tea conversation...I didn't see any swords at all.


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