Main > The Round Table
Server upgrade
Sir Edward:
Over the course of the day I've managed to fix a lot of the little outstanding details. I'll probably find more as time goes on, and I know I've neglected a couple (graphing and analysis type stuff). But email is working again, got all the little services like FTP, POP, rsync, and so on working, verified a bunch of the startup and scheduled tasks still do what they're supposed to, and so on.
It all went pretty smoothly, except for a couple of brain-farts on my part. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS I know what I'm doing, or this could have been a nightmare. :)
Sir Wolf:
and we thank you sir!
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-05-06, 00:31:41 ---and we thank you sir!
--- End quote ---
Indeed! Any server upgrade that doesn't involve a screw driver mounted in a vise, with a lawn mower blade on it, is a successful upgrade!
Sir Edward:
Well, I feel stupid. After doing the upgrade, apparently I didn't finish setting up email aliases, so the forum was unable to email me. It's been emailing everyone else, just not me. Figures. :)
Did you make it so the forum content is on a secure connection now?
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