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No Mind. Do you use it? How?

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Most of my thinking comes right before the engagement. I usually size up what guard the opponet is in, and how they expect me to try to break it. Then I plan for what they are probably going to do to counter my guard breaking cut. Almost triple-guessing them, if you will. It sounds stupid and time-consuming, but I can think through it pretty quickly.

Also I feint a lot, apparantly.  ;)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I tend to overthink it...but as I continue to learn, my hope is that it will become more instinctive and less thought-centric.

--- End quote ---
At that point, I would have said: "It can become a bad habit.  But you're on the right track when it comes to the mental aspects."  ;)

--- Quote ---Most of my thinking comes right before the engagement. I usually size up what guard the opponet is in, and how they expect me to try to break it. Then I plan for what they are probably going to do to counter my guard breaking cut. Almost triple-guessing them, if you will. It sounds stupid and time-consuming, but I can think through it pretty quickly.

Also I feint a lot, apparantly.
--- End quote ---

If you can do it, then do it.   ;)

Feints have their own proper place and perspective, but that can be your advantage (something I will be expecting when you and me go bouting  ;D)  if you use it properly.   ;)  best thing is that I'm glad I'm short-statured because I can easily lure taller opponents to hit me straight to the head yet with perfect timing, Fuhlen & Indes and technique I can hit any opening below your level of vision when you make the strike.  ;)  And I can manipulate my Zufechten (Distance and Measure) to my will so I would be a bit difficult to hit but I will not allow you to hit me, unless you can, good for you.   ;)  I can even target the family jewels easily  8)  (it's called durschwelchen  8))   

Joshua Santana:
The previous statements I have made are only scenarios I created to get my point across. I do not intend on making anyone feel stupid or taken a back because of what I said. 

Combat is a topic that is best done than written on paper.  Anyone can debate on what the ideal fight is, but not everyone can pull off the perfect fight.

Apologies for anyone that was offended.


--- Quote --- Anyone can debate on what the ideal fight is, but not everyone can pull off the perfect fight.
--- End quote ---

In a real, 100% legit fight where you may die there is a Perfect Fight:
They are dead, you are not, and you are also unhurt. 

Sounds pretty perfect to me no? ;D

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---In a real, 100% legit fight where you may die there is a Perfect Fight:
They are dead, you are not, and you are also unhurt.

Sounds pretty perfect to me no? ;D
--- End quote ---

That is a good point.  :D


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