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Looking for high-quality bascinet recommendations.

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--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2012-04-28, 16:25:05 ---
--- Quote ---I also have no idea how to write in Polish nor do I know anyone who speaks polish so emailing Jacek Matera is out for now.  When it comes to designing things like this, detail is so important, I don't want anything lost in translation when I'm spending $2000 on a piece.
--- End quote ---

The solution to that is simple: Google Translate your email from English to Polish and you're set.  ;)

--- End quote ---

Well, that's the problem.  Google translate is terribly inaccurate with subtleties.  Take my last name for example, LaSpina... which in Italian translates to The Thorn.  Run it through google translate and it will give you an alternate and little used definition, 'the Plug', however, if you reverse engineer it and put The Thorn in English -> Italian, it miraculously translates to La Spina.  The point being that it's very finicky about what word it decides on and is not consistent with itself.  And that's not an option when talking about details of a custom project.  Especially when it comes to words related to medieval objects, because they're so loosely translated to begin with.

Joshua Santana:
Oh!  Now I see the problem, my apologies.  All I can say is for safety sake, go with Wasson. 

Well, I've drafted an email to Jeff Wasson.  Now I just feel weird because I had already been talking to Jeff Hedgecock and I feel like I'm in limbo with him so I don't want to enter into something with another maker and then get an email from Mr. Hedgecock saying he's ready to begin discussing things.  At the same time, it's been 1 month now since I initially contacted Mr. Hedgecock with no progress other than indications that he's interested, even though I've asked for a ball-park timeline and quotes a couple times....  I don't want to be rude or burn any bridges because I have the utmost respect for Mr. Hedgecock, but at the same time, I'd like to start making progress on this purchase.  The armoring world can be very frustrating sometimes :)

What about Jiri Keplac? (is that Jolly knight?)

This is Clang's work:

Also you may want to contact Aesir Metalworks to see if they could do it. I know Icefalcon could love to do it once he gets back from BOTN.

And Anshelm is making these things already:

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---What about Jiri Keplac? (is that Jolly knight?)
--- End quote ---

Rautt:  Jiri and Jolly Knight are two separate companies.

--- Quote ---This is Clang's work:

Also you may want to contact Aesir Metalworks to see if they could do it. I know Icefalcon could love to do it once he gets back from BOTN.
--- End quote ---

I assumed that IceFalcon worked only with Stainless steel.   :o  And thank you Rautt for reminding me about Anshelm!  ;)

Ian: Anshelm does have the Houndskull Bascinet Helmets and can be made with Spring Steel.  Check out the link!


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