Main > The Armoury

Looking for high-quality bascinet recommendations.

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Joshua Santana:
Welcome aboard Jolly Knight!

Jolly Knight:
Thank you.

My account was activated only few day ago, but I`m more then a year here. 

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Jolly Knight on 2012-05-20, 19:31:38 ---Thank you.

My account was activated only few day ago, but I`m more then a year here. 

--- End quote ---

Welcome to the forums! Although this order was already made, there will be more people ordering more armor. I like a lot of the products you make. Glad to have you here with us.

Sir William:
I didn't know Jolly Knight was on here...LOVE your work man; now I just need another job so I can afford it.  Welcome to the forums.


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