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Looking for high-quality bascinet recommendations.

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Not interested in Klappvisors (I'm depicting late 14th century English, so it would be inappropriate for the region at that time).  I dig Icefalcon, but his bascinets are not very historical looking to me.  Clang is not taking any commissions unfortunately.  Anshelm does do nice work.  The only one that really catches my eye for my particular harness though is:

but it's inexplicably $1000 more than all the other bascinets and doesn't include the aventail or brass decoration, or liner.

Now, Jiri Klepac... I'd kill for his stuff

Only negative (and this is not a negative in the product) is that he only raises his helmets, no welding.  That typically translates to cost being in the neighborhood of outrageous :)  I would need to see what he charges for something like that though, because that helmet there is for all intents and purposes perfect for my needs.  Jiri is also not accepting orders right now.

Sir James A:
You could try Hammerbreaker:

He does work in mild, stainless, and spring - though I'm not sure if that includes spring stainless. English isn't his first language, but I've traded PMs with him and had no troubles (mixed tenses, simple stuff). If you're getting something standard from his page, and just supplying measurements or easy questions, shouldn't be a problem.

I've heard nothing but good things about him, his cased greaves are fantastically shaped, and somebody in the 14th Century Mafia on facebook recently got a full leg harness from him. I'd like to eventually get a milanese set from him; seems very few people make them, and a few that do, don't shape them "right" to my eye.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---but it's inexplicably $1000 more than all the other bascinets and doesn't include the aventail or brass decoration, or liner.

--- End quote ---

I have noticed it and wasn't sure you would care to get all of the pieces and the helmet itself.  The helmet ($2,000) in conjunction with the aventail ($275), brass decoration ($200 + $100 for geometric pattern) and liner ($150) would come to $2,725. 

At this point I would say go for either Anshelm (if you want DIY work on the Helmet) or Wasson.

In regards to Hammerbreaker, I would give them a try and let's see what happens.

Sir James A:
I'm not sure about liners, but you can also check with:

Marek of Armory Marek - no personal experiences with him, but OMG the selection of things & the pictures have killed many many hours  of my time, drooling:

Milan Marek of Best Armour (different guy) - I know Das Bill, on here, has received Gauntlets from them:

So a lot of the drama seems to have been for nothing!  I emailed Jeffrey Hedgecock yesterday afternoon when I got from home work.  I wanted to be as polite as possible, but let him know that since I hadn't heard from him in a few weeks that I was basically operating under the premise that we were a no-go for the bascinet project.  He emailed me back in about an hour and explained that he had some friends visiting from England and that if I hadn't moved on to someone else that he could start work on a bascinet in a approximately 2 weeks.

Long story short, I'm back on with Historic Enterprises for a bascinet!  I'm looking at the Wallace, Lyle and Charles VI bascinets as examples.  I'm leaning toward the Lyle or Wallace bascinet now though because I believe it will be more appropriate for England.  Hopefully, everything works out and I'll have an awesome bascinet to show for it a few months down the road!  I'm trying to see if maybe I can attend Days of Knights, and this would make a great addition!


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