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Engravings and inscriptions on swords and shields

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Sir Wolf:
che sara sara

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Gladium meum in Dei obsequium. (My sword in the service of God)
--- End quote ---

I like that quote!  ;D 

If I had to come up with an engraving, it would be something like this:

"Honorare scutum meum, veritas mea gladio" = "Honor my shield, Truth my sword"

Sir William:
I like this one: "Corpora tecta ferro, eorum animas per fidem"

loosely translates to:  "Their bodies covered by iron, their souls by faith", ascribed to Bernard of Clairvoux.  ;)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I like this one: "Corpora tecta ferro, eorum animas per fidem"

loosely translates to:  "Their bodies covered by iron, their souls by faith", ascribed to Bernard of Clairvoux.
--- End quote ---

That is awesome!  Very good quote!   ;D

Sir William:
I thank Sir Nathan for bringing it to my attention as he's used the English translation for quite some time.


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