Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Funniest youtube videos you have seen?
Found this one today, ill start.
So funny!
Sir Wolf:
dude, you really need a NSFW on stuff like that. my kids were in the room when he started ranting. i really don't see where that is funny.
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-04-18, 19:31:07 ---dude, you really need a NSFW on stuff like that. my kids were in the room when he started ranting. i really don't see where that is funny.
--- End quote ---
To clean the palate (may be NSFW):
Sir Ulrich:
Ehh I found it funny but thats cause I got a rather crude sense of humor. One thing I dont really like about myself but eh what makes me laugh makes me laugh.
Now to add my own stuff
Sir William:
It wasn't funny, it was awful. The little girl was probably coached - but even if that were so, his response was most unfortunate. Unfortunate because by now, he's probably realizing how dumb and immature he looks...not to mention, he can't be much of a father if he can talk to her like that w/no sense of propriety or at least, remorse after the fact. I get the anger, I get that...but I think he should've restricted it to the confines of his vehicle (I'm assuming here, looks like he's sitting in a car) w/out recording it. Not funny, just sad...and damn stupid.
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