Main > The Armoury

Late 14th C Heraldic Surcoat

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Sir Brian:
I had the largest metal eyelets on my surcoat and they were a PITA. They kept coming apart so I had the seamstress that originally made it stitch around the holes so they are like super-sized button holes and it not only looks more period but is holding up very well. You can just make them out in the attached picture which I also tried to highlight and enlarge. Hope it helps!  :)

Joshua Santana:
Very nice Surcoat Sir Ian!  I like it!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Looking good Sir Ian.
I would definitely sew around the brass lace holes to cover them up.

Sir William:
Nicely done, kudos to your wife, Sir Ian.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Nicely done, kudos to your wife, Sir Ian.
--- End quote ---

Indeed  :D


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