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how to make a coat of plates

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Sir Nate:
Im going to be making a coat of plates based off the St. Maurice statue. I think Im the first person attempting this. more info  soon.


--- Quote from: Naythan on 2017-03-01, 14:23:22 ---coat of plates based off the St. Maurice statue. I think Im the first person attempting this.
--- End quote ---

I think Joe beat you to the punch a couple years ago :)  CoP by Jeffrey Hildebrandt of Royal Oak Armoury

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2017-03-01, 18:39:55 ---
--- Quote from: Naythan on 2017-03-01, 14:23:22 ---coat of plates based off the St. Maurice statue. I think Im the first person attempting this.
--- End quote ---

I think Joe beat you to the punch a couple years ago :)  CoP by Jeffrey Hildebrandt of Royal Oak Armoury

--- End quote ---
Oh lol. Well Im going to be the first High School'er to attempt this particular coat of plates.

Sir Rodney:
I'd forgotten about this.  That's one sweet looking kit!   8)

Nifty kit there.


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