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Great helms

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Sir Ulrich:
Anyone know where to get a classical templar great helm? I been intending in replacing my aging kettle helm with one but I am picky about the design of it. I want one thats based off of a historical design and would be period in the 1200s, also want to be able to see out of it well enough, in other words I want it to be fit to my face so the eye slits would line up with my eyes.

Sir Wolf: is my favorite helmet made on the open market. there are a lot fo Mac Bible helmets out there that are pretty cool too

What is your price range?

Do you have a pic of the exact exigent type you want?

Sir Ulrich:
Yes in fact I do

That exact one, I want a replica of it cept maybe with a bit wider eyeholes.
If this isnt period for the crusades maybe i'll go for the earlier design but this one looks coolest IMO because it's somewhat iconic as a "templar" or "teutonic knight" helm.

Have you contacted any armourers about that helm like Donnogal, Windrose, Icefalcon, Clang, Armstreet, Shamrock, ETC?


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