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Sometimes it sucks being the good guy.
Sir Edward:
To me, the McManus brothers are more Robin Hood than knight. They seek their own form of justice, and therefore are self-righteous. A knight's duty is in service.
To put it in D&D terms, I think the knightly thing is to be more Lawful Good, whereas these fellows were Chaotic Good. :)
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-04-06, 16:11:11 ---To me, the McManus brothers are more Robin Hood than knight. They seek their own form of justice, and therefore are self-righteous. A knight's duty is in service.
To put it in D&D terms, I think the knightly thing is to be more Lawful Good, whereas these fellows were Chaotic Good. :)
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Ned Stark is the definition of lawful good. Much to his own detriment...
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2012-04-05, 22:37:47 ---Like in this line?:
CONNOR: "How far are we going with this, Da?"
FATHER: "The questions is not, "how far?" The question is, "Do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith to go as far as is needed?""
--- End quote ---
The courtroom speech
1:15 to 2:15
Sir William:
As for sucking to be the good guy, why do you think the Sith get members? All that stifling your emotions, logic is your guide, etc etc...makes for a pretty drab existence, awesome Force powers notwithstanding. To be able to feel, to emote- that is the human experience.
Not to be funny, but in the game Assassins Creed, the storyline tells of two organizations, the Assassins, and the Knights Templar caught up in a very old struggle between the two. The Templars are seen as the 'good' ones, and their purpose is to exert dominion over the entire world as they see fit- for the good of all. The Assassins believe that each individual should live based on their own internal code- that it should be allowed and respected because the individual matters...and yet both use similar methods to achieve their goals, primarily by assassinating high profile targets. Makes for great fun, but also makes you think...or rather, made me think.
Being a good duy isn't all about slaying obvious villains and evil monsters, or saving damsels in distress.
Those are things tat anyone with a basic sense of morality would do. Being a good guy also means taking stances in grey areas, making descisions, sometimes making unpopular ones too. It's about enforcing the law, even when it's not very "Pretty". It's about doing what's right, sentiments be damned.
I also feel that the McManus are knightly in their own way, in doing the good that the law cannot, for the good of the people. Eddard Stark is being knightly in his own way as well, in upholding the law, for the good of the people.
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