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Life. (be prepared for reading)
me and sev again
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-04-16, 01:57:31 ---Just a note, don't be too snooty when choosing what women to talk to. Remember, girls like to see that you're not a D-bag who only acknowledges hot girls. Also, they often will introduce you to attractive friends ;)
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Yes, this!
Be a gentleman to ALL of the ladies, no matter how hot or how ugly. Even if you don't hit it off with one of them directly (and I agree, attraction is important), they have friends. But your tastes can change. Personally, I find a much wider range of women attractive now, that I'd have thought "meh" about when I was younger. Don't hold out for only the hottest girls. You'll find one who meshes with you and matches you well enough, but don't close those doors before you find out.
And something that's kinda cool about human nature is that when you start to get to know someone, they can become more attractive to you over time. You can start to notice things you might have overlooked before. So be careful about snap-judgments.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-04-16, 03:35:56 ---I have a hard time accepting compliments, and am in the habit of what often is basically someone saying "Hey, I like your armor" and I start on some rant like "Thanks, yeah, I think the legs are sitting a little funny, I need to get some better footwear, I'd really like an Albion sword instead of this one, and the shoulders keep catching on my breastplate, but, I guess it looks fine to other people, I'm just not happy with it. So-and-so makes a great set of pauldrons, but they have a 6 month waiting list, and I ordered a set from whoever that hasn't made or shipped them for 8 months, so I doubt I'll ever see that armor or money back, and I don't want to pay somebody else for something that I should have from before, and I can't find anywhere that makes good period scabbards for a reasonable price, and I don't want to pay a lot of money for a scabbard I'd have to glue a sword into just to get it here into MDRF. Maybe I should just run around yelling 'lightning bolt! lightning bolt!' with some elf ears. It reminds me of D&D, and I used to like that when I was younger, but never really had much chance to play. Except for the PC games, but our computer was too slow to run it, and I was always fighting with my sister for who gets to use the computer too........................" at which point I realize I've gone off on a horrible tangent, stop at a completely random sentence, and kind of stare blankly as my brain starts going "WTH did you just do??"
Almost. Every. Time.
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Hah! I've done that. Not usually so far off topic, but I'm extremely critical of my own gear.
The first time I met Christian Tobler (this was at WMAW, in 2007), he recognized me from my websites, which I thought was a nice compliment in itself. At the end of the event, he said something to me like "Hey, you should come up and visit us and bring that beautiful harness". I cringed, visibly, and I could see that he had a look on his face like "what did I say??". I apologized to him later and said that the thought that flashed through my brain was about how ill-fitting it is, with non-historical shapes and so on, and because I had this hero-worship thing going on I felt embarrassed to show it to him. :)
All a huge mistake. Take the compliment for what it is.
--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2012-04-16, 04:56:37 ---heres 1, at our faire we have about 4 girls dressed as faries, they dont talk, they walk really slow and weird. I find it errotic for some reason lol
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Heh, I'd use the word "alluring", personally. But yes, cute fairies are cute, yes? :)
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2012-04-12, 07:40:22 ---went to the renn faire saturday and sunday, saw ALOT of...let me put this appropriately, attractive, girls (lol), some seemed interested in me from what i was noticing, BUT in the end, im gonna put this bluntly, i bitched out and didnt talk to them haha. Any tips on what i could do?
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Dig deep and find a pair...if you bitch out too often you'll be quite lonely, my friend. Not having been there, it seems to me that they were trying to get your attention- they succeeded. Then it was up to you to further the cause...believe it or not, they're just as shy as you are, probably moreso. One thing about girls is that if they really like you, they'll figure out a way to let you know...be it a certain look, a light touch, a glint in the eye...since you're so young, you've got plenty of time to perfect your skills at attracting the opposite sex- just don't dwell on it overmuch. You'll drive yourself nuts. Try to have fun and all the rest will fall into place if it is supposed to.
--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2012-04-16, 04:56:37 ---heres 1, at our faire we have about 4 girls dressed as faries, they dont talk, they walk really slow and weird. I find it errotic for some reason lol
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Dovariche Bogatyr!
That no fairy!
That Rusalka! :o
Here to lure you to death by drowning. Only pure heart can free her tomented soul with big sloppy kiss.
Good Luck! ;D
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